Thursday, July 24, 2014

Why Jamberry Nails, you ask?

Hi Y'all!

This is a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down 
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there 
I'll tell you how I became the Consultant of a place called Jamberry Nails

I wanted to start my blog by introducing myself and telling you why I love Jamberry Nails SO much!

I've been a nail polish-aholic forever and I've always wished for two things:
1. I wasn't a nail biter so my nails would actually grow, and
2. That I was as talented as some of you nail artists, so I could do awesome designs (not just worry if my left hand looks at nice as my right(shout out to all the Lefties out there)!).

Jamberry Nails has been the answer to BOTH of these issues. Not only do my nails look pretty awesome all the time (and equally, I might add!), but they've really been growing!!!

Here's a picture of my very first "Jamicure" - see how short my nails are?!  They look alright, definitely have been shorter due to the nail biting, but for my first time around with the Jamberry nail wraps, I think they turned out okay.

The next picture is a great example of how my nails have been growing, and staying longer than I've ever been able to keep them. For that alone, I am completely hooked!

The background to my story? I was introduced to Jamberry by a great girl I am friends with on Facebook. She was hosting an on-line Jamberry party. Her consultant did an awesome job getting everyone interested and even played some games (with prizes!). I didn't even bother with asking for a sample. I'd tried some of the store brand nail effects, so I had the general idea of how these were going to go. Jamberry has a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" special so I jumped right in and picked out four designs.

I sat on my living room floor with my hair dryer plugged in, all my nail stuff set out on the ottoman and I got to work.  I was pretty pleased with how they turned out for my first time! I loved that they are heat-activated so I could take my time rearranging them on my nails to get them "just so" without ruining the wraps.
The next day at work I was sure to show off my awesome nails, but the truly satisfying moment was a little over a week later I was standing at the copier when a co-worker walked up to say hi. She looked at my nails and said, "Oh my gosh! Are those the same nail things you had on last week when you showed me!? They look amazing!!"  Yep. Definitely hooked.

That was a year ago (July 2013). I jumped in and decided to host my own party where I earned so many free or half-off things! Then with a little push from my best friend, I decided to dive into the consultant world.  I won't lie, I didn't really know what I was doing at first - I've never done direct sales before - and it was a little slow going for a while. But I was determined to keep trying at the pace that worked for me (between my "day job" and spending time with my husband).  It's a year later and I probably am not even close to where other consultants were after their first year, but I'm completely loving it. I love having pretty nails, and getting paid to have them! ;)

Whew! That was an incredibly long first post! Don't miss the tabs at the top of the page to follow me on Instagram or Pinterest. Or check out my Facebook Fan Page for the latest Jamberry Nails updates. You can even stop on over to my Jamberry web page to browse over 300 designs!

I hope you'll stop by again! :) 

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